Faith Ain’t No Fairytale

Daily Prayer

Slowly their chants gain momentum, their
Monolithic voice growing louder, filling
The small bookstore that sits hidden behind
A faded green wooden storefront.
They pause, slow down and then rush
Ahead. Backward and forward, their rhythms
Shift rapidly. One voice pulls another and they
Cascade onward.

        Some worshippers
Rock their heads. Some swivel slightly
From their crouch positions on carpets
Set out for the night’s prayer service
On the well-worn wooden floors
That are remains of once busy days
When the building was
A neighborhood department store.

From strings of words, they come down to one…God/Allah—
And they chant the word again
And again and again, stretching it out, hammering
At it in a discordant chorus of voices.



Three: holiest of
Numbers, paradigm of life
& resurrection—

Through generations
Of father, mother & child
Life is made complete

Enlightened by suns
Of new dawns, for tomorrow
Was born yesterday.


Walk a Mile in His Shoes

Sunset, beneath
Moonlight, I stroll about
Pondering life is simple
After all—

Too simple
For he who
Is weary but
Must keep on walking

Long into tomorrow.


Judgment Day

In the place of my return
All the half-lights that glimmered
Even in shadows of death
Shall shine through my soul made whole
By sweet serendipity
Witness to the caravan
When the saints come marchin’ in.
